Hotel Posada del Valle
"A haven of harmony, rest and renewal"
La Posada del Valle Cuenta con el Spa "Nuevo Amanecer" a demás de brindar otros servicios especiales:
Ice Immersion : Tibetan Tummo Breathing and Pranayama Yoga Fusion Session along with Ice Tub Immersion. One of the most renewing experiences one can experience.
Relaxation Massage : Combination of different massage techniques (Swedish, acupressure, acupressure, Thai school, etc.). It helps to relax tension, eliminate or reduce specific pain, correct circulatory disorders, improve the quality of sleep and rest.
Chakra Cleansing and Harmonization: Chakra is the Eastern term for the energy centers in the human body. There are seven main centers and they are aligned along the spine. Each one contains energy that brings back “stored” emotions, and our experiences alter the energy levels of the body-mind system, reducing or overloading the Chakras, thus altering their balance and activity.
Facial Treatment : Using a vaporizer to open pores and cleanse the skin, and an ionizer to close and heal tiny lesions, the face is cleansed and facial muscles are revitalized. The application of gels, masks and massages completes the treatment.
All under reservation and without cancellation